SWEET SADNESS: The Sands Chronicles

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Beautiful people, ugly people

I was browsing through an old blog, a private one, around 2002. One entry caught my eye. Wrote it exactly 4 years ago.
Heeeeyyyy…I hate those people who like to reveal bad things about other people, when in fact they’re worse! Grrrrr…Yah know, the thing I hate about most of the people here in the Philippines is they like to judge other people by their looks. Being beautiful outside doesn’t mean you’re beautiful inside. Being beautiful doesn’t mean you’ve got it all. So what if you’re ugly?! At least some people realize your true worth! And they love you for who you are. What do you want a pretty girl who has no personality to back if up for?! Wala lang. Pang-display mo? Is the girl just a mean to make other guys envious of you? WTF?!

I don’t want to make a big deal about those arrogant people. Maybe they’re insecure and jealous of those girls who they claim as UGLY. I dunno why. Maybe they’ve been dumped by their bf’s for girls less beautiful than they are coz the poor guys realized that they’d be happier. Hekhek. Wuteva! It’s not my business eniweiz.
Wow. I wrote that? Aside from the kinda...amateurish "literary rhythm" (hah, like it has improved over the years) and balikong grammar and diction here and there, I never thought I'd sound so...bitter.

But then, that thing I wrote still holds true today, though it's not as rampant as before. We've grown up, thankfully. Not just physically, but also mentally. People my age now know how to look beyond the physical appearance of a person...well, some.

But I still think Ranger Manoso is scorching HOT. =D Except, of course, he's just a book character and not a real person (a pity, really...Cuban-American hottie in black tight shirt and camouflage pants, with an I-don't-give-a-flying-fuck attitude, black car, and Bvlgari scent...OOHH, is it me, or is it getting too damn hot in here?)


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