SWEET SADNESS: The Sands Chronicles

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Well, I did say the Cebu Archdiocese (spokesperson and all) is a/n [insert retarded adjective here], right?

Hell, it was on April 17 (or was it 16?...basta sa 24 Oras yun) when the Archdiocese of Cebu said that insensitive remark, that's why I posted this entry nga eh.

Hey sisters, took you long enough to react. =)

When this article was published yesterday, a lot of individuals and groups blanched at the words of the spokesperson of the Archdiocese of Cebu. He said the real issue here is gay sex. At ako'y napa-huwaaaaaaat?! Resbakan nga ito! Stick to the issue nga naman kasi eh!

And I don't think Dakay got away with his homophobe line; it's just that the people he inadvertently (or not) bashed are civilized enough not to kill him. You know why? Because they respect his statement. They respect that he's a priest, and maybe that's just the way priests think. They respect that he's from "the" church. They don't want to engage in word wars against them, because much as they try hard to get accepted in this society, the stigma and discrimination is still there. Wala na silang magagawa eh. Ultimo mga nagmamalinis nga na tao eh dragon kung magsalita laban sa kapwa nilang tao eh. Besides, they're sticking to the issue. Like glue.

Although, I think some of the people who reacted may have missed this (or maybe the journalists were the ones who missed it...until today): Dakay had explained that while he respects homosexuals for the way they are, he strongly condemns the homosexual acts they engage in.

But then, it doesn't show.


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